What To Do If You Chip Or Break a Tooth?

A woman with a chipped tooth in Washington Heights, NY. Breaking a tooth isn’t like a lot of other injuries. Your tooth won’t grow back or repair itself. You will have to visit  Washington Heights dental office to get treatment, restore the tooth, and protect your oral health. When a tooth is chipped or broken, the protective enamel on the tooth may be compromised, or there may be more serious problems like the pulp or dentin inside the tooth being exposed. The longer those things are exposed, the higher your risk for getting an infection or experiencing some other complications.

Though you may feel a bit overwhelmed or nervous when you get injured, it is important to try to remember to take some key steps. Here are four things you should do right away if one of your teeth becomes chipped or broken:

Gather All The Pieces Of Your Broken Tooth

If your tooth is chipped, it is highly unlikely that you will be able to find that tiny piece of tooth that was knocked off. However, if your tooth is broken, chances are good that there will be large pieces that you can see. Collect all the pieces you can find and put them in a secure container to give to your Washington Heights dentist.

Choose a clean and dry container for your teeth pieces. A dirty container could transfer bacteria to the pieces, which could lead to infection for you.

Rinse The Chipped Tooth With Warm Water

Rinse your mouth with warm water to clear the injured area of any dirt or other debris. If this is painful, just put the water in your mouth and move your head from side to side, letting the water wash over the area. You may need to do this several times to clean the area.

Do not use mouthwash or medicated rinses. Wait until you are able to see your Washington Heights dentist to get the appropriate medications.

Apply a Cold Compress To Reduce The Risk Of a Tooth Infection

The area around your tooth may swell after the injury, which can be quite painful and can make it harder to repair the area. You can reduce the swelling by applying a cold compress to the area. Use a sanitary cloth or plastic compress to reduce the risk of infection. Apply the compress in intervals.

See Your New York Dentist As Soon As Possible

A woman with a chipped tooth in Washington Heights, NY.The sooner you can see a dentist after your injury, the better. With prompt dental care, you can protect the tooth from further damage, and you can protect your oral health.

If you see yellow dentin or red pulp, it is important that you find a dentist office that takes emergency visits. Leaving the area exposed leaves you at risk for complications that can threaten your oral health and your overall health.

The measures that your dentist will take to repair the tooth depend on the extent of the injuries. If you have exposed pulp, that will need to be cleaned or removed, and a plastic filling may be inserted in a procedure similar to a root canal. A crown may be recommended to repair the tooth. Other potential options for dental treatment may include removing what is left of the tooth and replacing it with a dental implant or bridge.

A small chip may be able to be repaired with composite material or even by filing the tooth, depending on the location and the depth of the chip. Talk through your options with your dentist to understand the best options for restoring the tooth, both for your long-term dental health and for the appearance of the tooth.

Visit a Respected Washington Heights Dentist Office!

Esthetix Dental Spa is a respected dental office in Washington Heights offering restorative dental services. Our exceptional team can repair your chipped or broken tooth so that you have a beautiful, long-lasting smile. We offer a variety of treatment options, and we’ll discuss which are the best options for your particular injury. We also offer routine preventative and cosmetic dental care. We offer a variety of services to help you get a beautiful and healthy smile. We’re located in Washington Heights, and we have earned numerous top reviews from our clients. Our team is committed to providing the best dental care possible. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

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Esthetix Dentist, NYC’s Dental Implant & Cosmetic Specialist
285 Fort Washington Ave,
New York, NY 10032

Phone: (212) 795-9675
Website: http://esthetixdentalspa.com/