
Gum pigmentation treatment from Esthetix Dental Spa is a cosmetic dental procedure that uses a dental laser to remove dark pigmentation on your gums.

Gum pigmentation treatment is often called “gum bleaching,” yet this treatment is so much more than that! This procedure uses only the latest technology through using the Versa Wave Laser to painlessly and safely remove discoloration on your gums. Utilizing this laser treatment to change the melanin pigmentation (or color) of your gums.

Gum pigmentation treatment is the most viable solution for persons suffering from gum discoloration and unsightly dark gums.

The benefits of gum pigmentation treatment include:

  • The procedure can be completed in 1 office visit, so you can virtually walk out the door with beautiful pink gums.
  • Esthetix Dental uses a topical anesthetic, so you will not feel drowsy.
  • Extensive sedation is not necessary.
  • Just one gum pigmentation treatment can last up to 20 years! It’s hard to imagine how taking such a brief amount of time out of your day can have such lasting benefits!
  • The healing process for gum pigmentation is very swift, and virtually painless.
