Will My Dental Implants Look Natural?
For many patients, fixing a health issue is sometimes overshadowed by the resulting aesthetic. Of course, these patients opt to support their health, but it is an initial worry that can stick to the back of their mind. We tend [...]
How Getting Braces Can Transform Your Smile & Oral Health
Enhance Your Smile With Braces: Choosing Orthodontic Treatments For Better Alignment & Dental Wellness A beautiful smile can have a profound effect on how you feel and present yourself to the world. If you're looking for a way to enhance [...]
Smile Makeover
Esthetix Coupon - 10% OFF any Treatment What we offer at Esthetix is better health for your teeth and a great smile. Both of these things contribute to having an improved quality of life. We work with our patients to [...]
Sunny Smiles for Summer Weather!
Every year, as the weather becomes warmer outside, we begin to start reevaluating our look. Summer diets often come into play, as well as summer hair colors and clothing styles. However, one physical feature which is often left forgotten is [...]
Dr. Arvind Philomin of Esthetix Dental Spa and His Family Served Thanksgiving Dinners at the Bowery Mission
Dr. Arvind Philomin of Esthetix Dental Spa and His Family Served Thanksgiving Dinners at the Bowery Mission Dr. Arvind Philomin of Esthetix Dental Spa and his family served Thanksgiving dinners at the Bowery Mission. The Bowery Mission roasted and hand [...]
Do Dental Cleanings Hurt?
Dental Cleanings There is often a negative stigma associated with going to the dentist. These negative feelings are often associated with the alleged pain which will be caused by sitting in that infamous dental chair. However, Dr Philomin and his [...]