Diastema: Should I Fill The Gap Between My Two Front Teeth
Important Reasons Why People Might Get Diastema Take a look at your mouth. There may be a gap between two of your teeth - usually the front ones. You may see gaps between all of your teeth. There may [...]
Can Sleep Apnea Have Serious Consequences On Our Dental Health?
The Effects Of Sleep Apnea On Your Dental Health You wake up in the morning still exhausted … even after sleeping for a solid eight hours. This makes you lethargic throughout the day and it can be a serious [...]
Chipped Or Broken Teeth? Here Are 4 Things You Should Do Right Away
What To Do If You Chip Or Break a Tooth? Breaking a tooth isn’t like a lot of other injuries. Your tooth won’t grow back or repair itself. You will have to visit Washington Heights dental office to get treatment, [...]
What Happens If Gum Disease Is Left Untreated?
The Dangers Of Not Treating Professionally Periodontitis Gum disease is a serious epidemic in the United States, affecting nearly 65 million Americans. According to this statement from the American Academy of Periodontology, half of American adults over age 30 [...]
Oral Health & Hygiene Tips For Kids
How To Teach Your Children To Have Dental Hygiene Summer vacation is the perfect time to talk with your kids about how important it is to take care of their teeth. When you lay the foundation now for great oral [...]
The Self-Esteem Benefits Of Cosmetic Dental Treatments
How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Enhance Your Looks & Confidence Everyone is attracted to a nice smile. A straight, white smile makes everyone look better, and it makes them appear happier and healthier than those whose smiles have more problems. We [...]