Utilizing Cosmetic Dental Procedures To Prevent Tooth Decay
Washington Heights Dentists Explain How Certain Cosmetic Treatments Can Prevent Tooth Problems You don’t have to settle for a smile that does make you truly happy. You don’t have to keep covering your smile or feeling self-conscious about showing [...]
The Many Oral Health Benefits Of Invisalign Braces
Reasons To Choose Clear Aligners Over Traditional Braces In Our Washington Heights Dental Office Invisalign braces offer a great solution for straightening your teeth. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign braces are not permanently attached to your teeth. Instead of a series [...]
Veneers vs Implants vs Crowns vs Bridges: Understanding The Differences
Washington Heights Dentist's Breakdown On Teeth Restoration Treatments You may be asking yourself: What's the best way to restore a white & healthy smile? It seems like there are so many choices out there. You do some research and find [...]
What Causes Bad Breath?
Washington Heights' Expert Dentists Explain Everything About Halitosis Do you notice that people sometimes seem to back away from you when you are talking to them, regardless of the subject matter? Have then offered your gum or a mint? Are they seemingly doing [...]
All You Need To Know About Preventative Dental Care
You may have heard the term "preventative dental care" used before. But what is it exactly. Who does it? What can you do to ensure that you do your part? It’s all pretty straight forward to explain. Here is all [...]
The Tooth Extraction Process
There are a variety of reasons you may need to have a tooth extracted - you may have a badly decayed tooth, a cracked tooth, or a wisdom tooth may be erupting in an already crowded mouth. It might have [...]