Key Takeaways For a Successful Root Canal Procedure

Root canal treatments are a common dental procedure, often requiring two or more appointments depending on the complexity of the case. If your situation is intricate, your general dentist may refer you to a specialist known as an endodontist. The idea of undergoing root canal therapy might sound intimidating to many people, but having a clear understanding of the procedure can help alleviate much of the anxiety associated with it. 

Here’s a detailed list of the steps we follow in root canal therapy:

Preparation & Assessment Before Root Canal Treatment

Patient undergoing Root Canal Therapy at Esthetix Dental Spa

The first step in root canal therapy involves thorough preparation. Before beginning the treatment, your dentist needs to assess the condition of the affected tooth. This typically involves taking one or more X-ray images, which allow the dentist to get a clear picture of the root canal and any potential issues such as infection or abscesses. These images provide crucial insights into the internal structure of the tooth, helping the dentist plan the procedure accurately. Once the dentist has gathered all the necessary information, they will administer a local anesthetic to numb the affected tooth and the surrounding gum tissue so you don’t feel pain during the procedure. If the tooth has already died and no longer has sensitivity, local anesthetic may not be required.

Removal Of Infected Pulp During Root Canal Therapy

The next step involves removing the infected or damaged pulp from the tooth. To keep the area dry and free from saliva, the dentist will place a rubber sheet, known as a dental dam, around the tooth. This also prevents you from swallowing or breathing in any chemicals that may be used during the procedure. The dentist will use a drill to create an opening in the tooth to access the soft tissue or pulp, located at the center of the tooth and remove it. If there is an abscess, the dentist will drain it to prevent further infection.

Deep Cleaning & Shaping Of The Root Canal For Bacteria Prevention

With the pulp removed, the next step is to clean and shape the root canal. The root canal is typically very narrow, which makes it difficult to fill. The dentist will use a series of small files to enlarge the canal and ensure it is thoroughly cleaned. This process removes any remaining bacteria reducing the risk of future infection. Depending on your case, this step can take several hours, so root canal therapy often requires multiple visits to the dental office. Between appointments, the dentist may place medicated material inside the tooth. This medicine helps to kill any remaining bacteria and prevent reinfection, ensuring the area stays clean. The tooth is sealed with a temporary filling to protect it. If you show symptoms of infection, the dentist may also prescribe antibiotics to ensure the infection does not return.

Restoring The Tooth Function After Root Canal Therapy

Once the root canal has been cleaned and shaped, the next step is to restore the tooth to its full function. At your next appointment, the dentist will remove the temporary filling and any remaining medicated material inside the tooth. The root canal will be filled with a special biocompatible material that seals the tooth and prevents bacteria from entering the root canal system again. This is a crucial step in ensuring the long-term success of the treatment. After the root canal is filled, a crown is placed over the restored tooth. The crown provides additional protection, preventing the tooth from breaking or becoming damaged in the future.

Protecting Your Tooth With a Custom Crown

Smiling patient receiving Root Canal Therapy at Esthetix Dental Spa

Dental crowns are essential in protecting the treated tooth and ensuring its longevity. They are designed to completely cover the tooth, acting as a cap that shields it from further damage. Crowns can be made from various materials, including metal, porcelain, ceramic, or a combination of these. A mold of the tooth is taken to ensure that the crown fits perfectly. Before placing the crown, the dentist will reduce the size of the tooth, so the crown fits securely. Once it is ready, it is cemented onto the tooth, providing a strong covering that can withstand the pressures of chewing and biting. When a small amount of the original tooth structure remains, a post may be cemented into the tooth to help hold the crown securely.

Is Root Canal Treatment Successful?

Root canal treatment has a high success rate. Studies show that 9 out of 10 root-treated teeth last for 8 to 10 years, and longer with proper care. The key to the success of the therapy lies in a combination of factors, including the placement of a crown, maintaining good oral hygiene practices, and avoiding excessive biting forces on the tooth. If an infection recurs, the treatment can be repeated to resolve the issue. 

Important Insights For a Successful Root Canal Experience

Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of the steps involved in root canal therapy, you can approach the procedure with greater confidence. If you require root canal treatment, contact us at Esthetix Dental Spa to schedule an appointment. Our dentists in Washington Heights are here to help you restore your dental health and ensure that your smile remains healthy for years to come. 

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New York, NY 10032

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